Gold ring of Russia. Touch the story

In the seventies, Y. Bychkov, who worked in a newspaper, visited several cities in the North-East of Russia on the instructions of the editor, later he traveled the same way in his car following the route he had invented and described his impressions under the name “Golden Ring”. Later, 8 cities, about which the journalist wrote, entered the tourist route, designated as the “Golden Ring of Russia”. To get acquainted with the history of Russia, to relax, having plunged into the affairs of bygone days, allows you to travel along the “Golden Ring”.
Pereyaslavl-Zalessky began to build beyond the lands of Vladimir Prince Yuri Dolgoruky of Vladimir, one of the first buildings erected was the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Nearby, the church of Peter the Metropolitan, the Danilov monastery and other buildings built at different times grew. In Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, having plunged into antiquity, one can see a lot of monasteries and cathedrals marked by spirituality and soulfulness, but at the same time one can see museums that are not found anywhere: a museum of teapots and an iron museum. Visit the holy source of Nicholas the Stylite and St. Varvarin of the source, walk through the city walls, relax in the Historical and Cultural Center Russian Park.

Rostov the Great is located on the shore of Lake Nero. It was first mentioned in the 9th century. The city burnt down and plundered by the invasion of the Tatars, nevertheless remained the center of Russian spirituality. The Grigorievsky Monastery remained the center of culture and knowledge, there was a rich library here, and theologians and enlighteners gathered here. In the 16th century, the Assumption Cathedral was built. Having visited Rostov the Great, you touch the sacred relics of Russia. Rostov is a beautiful city with many churches where Orthodox pilgrims flock to experience the greatness of the spirituality of our ancestors. The sights of Rostov, museums, monasteries, architecture will not leave anyone indifferent.

Suzdal is mentioned in the annals at the beginning of the 11th century in connection with the revolt of the Magi, later a fortress with earthen ramparts and oak walls was built on this place. Under Andrei Bogolyubsky, this is the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal principality. The city is expanding, a princely residence is being built. Pictures of ancient antiquity open from the Poklonnaya Hill. The city with the transition of the capital to Moscow, becoming the provincial center of trade and crafts, but continues to evolve. The Suzdal Kremlin and three churches near the fortress: Assumption, Nikolskaya and the Nativity of Christ are presented as beautiful architectural objects of Suzdal. It is very interesting to get acquainted with the monuments of wooden architecture: barns on stilts, wind tent mills, peasant houses.

The city of Vladimir originates from the fortress founded by Vladimir Monomakh in the 12th century on the high bank of the Klyazma River. Rich natural resources, extensive forests with fur-bearing animals, rivers and lakes filled with fish attracted many people here. The region developed, the city grew along with it. In the 13th century, the capital from Kiev moved to Vladimir. The grandiose town planning begins, the Assumption Cathedral is being built, the Golden Gate has been built. Having survived fires, invasions of enemies, the city survived and today is ready to welcome guests, to show its beauty. Acquaintance with the city begins with the Golden Gate, in the upper room of which the museum is located. Then you can see the Assumption Cathedral, the frescoes of which were painted by Andrei Rublev. Another attraction of this ancient city is the Cathedral of St. Dmitry, built in the 13th century. Many interesting monuments will tell about the history of the city, which was at the origins of Russia.

Sergiev Posad, Novgorod the Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo - each of the city’s members of the Golden Ring of Russia is marked by originality and sincerity, it is interesting to get acquainted with everyone and everyone will be remembered for a long time.

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